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5 Steps to Declutter and Organise Your Office Space


When you think about it, sometimes you spend more time at the office working, instead of lying on the couch at home, reading a nice book. Sadly you can’t always grab your stuff and leave the office on time, but the least you can do is to transform the messy space into a cosy premise. Working at a clean, well-organised office boosts productivity and allows you to feel satisfied with your job. Make the area feel spacious right away in only five simple steps from professional commercial cleaners London:


  • Find time to clean – when you are overwhelmed with your job, cleaning is often the last thing on your mind. Yet with the amount of work you need to tackle, you would never find the right moment to sparkle the office, unless you put cleaning on your calendar. Pick a few hours of a specific day and use that time for nothing else but cleaning. This way chores wouldn’t interfere with other tasks and you would know that no matter how busy you are, you have already found the time to clean.


  • Purge your belongings – now that you are free to organise the office, it’s time to evaluate what items you use and which ones need to be sent away. If clutter has already become an issue for you, you need to part with objects that you never benefit from. In case you are uncertain what should be thrown away, make a list of your belongings. In a week or two, take a look at that list and cross off everything that remained untouched during that period. These are the belongings you should toss aside or donate.


  • Sort out and reorganise – organising your office space doesn’t end with decluttering- you need to figure out an appropriate strategy to make the premise look spacious and cosy. If up till know you had too much stuff to find room for, now you can afford the luxury of rearranging the office. Consider the items you use the most while working and leave them close by. Other belongings may be stored in drawers or shelves that are further away from you. Think about the entire image of your office- do you like the position of your desk or your small coffee table? If you are not fascinated with the overall appearance of the space, customers are probably in the same opinion. Make the office efficient by rearranging not only items but furniture as well, so that the place looks roomy and comfortable.


  • Consider making small changes – fear not, you shouldn’t redesign the entire office, but you can alter a few things that would have a positive impact on your productivity. Purchase new supplies like a trash bin, document trays and pens. Of course, the functionality should be first on your agenda, but you can still have some fun by experimenting with colourful brand-new office supplies. Your reorganised space should be both efficient and satisfying to work at and new supplies would get you in the mood for completing your tasks effortlessly.


  • Tackle deep cleaning – your office looks perfectly organised, your desk has been decluttered, but what about all surfaces around you? As you have already found the time to clean, make the most of it by wiping down your monitor, keyboard and all other machines at the office. Don’t forget to disinfect the computer mouse and the desk with an appropriate cleaning solution. Make sure you dust the shelves to improve the air quality in the premise. Finally, swipe or vacuum clean the floor to provide not only a perfect working environment but also an ideal impression of your office space.


In only five easy steps you can eliminate office clutter and ensure a pleasant working atmosphere. Repeat the procedure now and then to preserve the outstanding appearance of your office.


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