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Quick Kitchen Cleaning Tips



Are you tired of looking at your kitchen and thinking you need to do something about cleaning it, but you feel like the task is too much to handle? You don’t have to worry; you can get it done as long as you’re organised and prepared for what comes ahead. Let’s get started:


Cleaning the Countertops


If you want to do the most basic of work in your kitchen, you must have your countertops clean and free of clutter. You don’t want to have to prepare new food over the stuck-on remnants of your previous meals. It would be best if you started your cleaning work by putting away dirty dishes, small appliances and so forth back in their places. Before you wipe down and disinfect the countertop, you should check its material since different surfaces require different care. Warm, soapy water or diluted white vinegar is enough in most cases.


Clean the Kitchen Floors


The quickest way to clean your kitchen floor is using a humble broom or a vacuum cleaner. Sweep or vacuum the baseboards and the rest of the floor, but keep a rubbish bin nearby if there is any debris to get rid of. Keep kids and pets away from the kitchen while you work so they won’t get in the way. Aside from a daily sweep or vacuuming every couple of days, it would be best if you always mopped the kitchen floors weekly to eliminate grime and other buildups.


How to Clean Kitchen Appliances


Knowing how to clean appliances helps keep your kitchen surfaces clean and free of smudges and stains. If too much time has passed between cleanings, you may have moulds in your refrigerator or unpleasant, sticky countertops. Vinegar cleans your fridge and dishwasher and keeps your stainless steel appliances looking sharp. When cleaning a microwave, you can heat a bowl of water inside, then use the chance to wipe any stuck-on food from inside with a soft cloth.


How to Clean a Stove Top


You must clean your stovetop after each use, as even the smaller spills and splatters eventually build up into bigger messes. Letting stains sit there for a day or two will make them harder to deal with in the long run. 


To clean a glass stove top, use a single-edged scraper on the tougher stains. Use a glass stove cleaner on the rest of the stain, letting it sit before you wipe it clean. When you clean a gas stove top, you should pay close attention to the grates first. Wipe them clean, soak them in hot, soapy water, and, if possible, put them in the dishwasher for a cycle. Clean the stove burners with a small brush and damp cloth before returning them to the stove. Remove the electric coil burners for electric stove tops, wash them with warm, soapy water, and let them dry completely.


Tips for Cleaning Stainless Steel


A few household items and vinegar are the secret to keeping your stainless steel appliances free of spots and staining. You can wipe down the stainless steel appliance with a damp microfiber cloth for everyday cleaning. Add a bit of dish soap on the surfaces for any stubborn smudges, then wipe dry with another cloth when you’re done. Wet a cloth with warm, distilled white vinegar for the tougher stains. Please put it on the spot, wait for about 30 minutes and then scrub the area clean. Remember to wipe with the grain when you’re cleaning stainless steel.


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